Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's Deja Vu again

As the article's VHS vs Beta all over again. For those of you too young to remember...VHS and Beta are types of videoTAPES.

In any case it seems that the war may be over now between Sony's Blu-Ray technology and Hitachi's HD-DVD. The porn industry announced they will be using HD-DVD

MIT's Open Courseware

A cool site was brought to my attention a few days ago.

It's at MIT and basically gives you online access to several of their classes. You can download the syllabi, list of readings and assignments, and pretty much everything but access to the faculty or's FREE ya know.

I have been out of college for many years , and have thought about going back for additional study. One of the things that has prevented me from doing so is the indecision on what to study. Something like this MIT site is cool because you can go in and sample different disciplines at no cost to you except your time. I may check this out in the near future; if not as a prelude to return to the academic world then for personal enrichment.

Cisco vs Apple

I found out today that Cisco is suing Apple over it's use of the term "iPhone" for it's new ipod/cell phone hybrid. Apparently Cisco own the rights to use the name as part of a deal in which it acquired a company called Infogear in 2000.

Here's the article:

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Day late and a Dollar Short

This is the first post by the Blue Eyed Nerd. I'll be posting on a variety of topics here...Entertainment, politics, technology...Whatever strikes me at the time.

So let's get started....Politics...well as you know the Dems took over control of the House and Senate last week. Nothing was set to begin in the House until this week. I guess all that work they got done last year had really tired them out since they decided to take Monday off for the Florida-Ohio championship game. Nice. We're fighting a war, and they decide to take the day off. In the end it probably doesn't make a huge difference as I expect there to be a HUGE amount of bipartisanship this year with the Dems locking the GOP out of drafting legislation. It should be interesting to see how this plays out, to hear the Prez's reaction in his State of the Union Address, and also his comments tomorrow night regarding his new Strategery on the Iraq War. More to follow....

Technology....Apple announced their new iPhone and the Apple TV...oh the way..I read they are now Apple Inc. Is Jobs getting all corporate on us now? In any case I checked out the site for the iPhone and it is pretty sharp looking. It seems to be a merge between a cell phone and an iPod. I am sure it will be elegantly executed, but I wonder how well it will really do. Convergence devices don't usually fare well, but if anyone can pull it off I think Apple can. However I am not likely to purchase any case. I bought a 5G iPod last year and just got a new Motorola SLVR last fall....I'm set!

The nice thing about the iPhone is that it has a new wide screen display. I could have used this last fall on a flight during which I watched 3 episodes of television shows...Heroes, CSI Miami, and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. My 5G iPod was good enough , but a larger screen is certainly welcome. Maybe in a year or two I will find myself getting the latest generation of the iPhone.

Apple also announced the Apple TV today. I have DirecTV with DVR, a Panasonic DVR, a decent DVD collection, and way too many things I watch already. I can honestly say I can't see myself purchasing this. I am sure that many of the MAC faithful will fawn over this piece of equipment, and I am sure it is sharp, but in the end it is just a audio/video playback unit. In my opinion to have a device that is capable of playing digital files and NOT allow it to create/record them as well is stupid. Apple would have done well to create a device that would function as a DVR, but I am sure that for reasons concerning the movie industry they decided against that path. We'll see what happens!